Freie Universität Berlin

Freie Universität Berlin
Kaiserswerther Str. 16-18, 14195 Berlin

Name and address of  Institute
John F. Kennedy-Institut für Nordamerikastudien
Lansstr.7-9, 14195 Berlin

Name Erasmus Coordinator for the Institute/for the American Studies Network (direct all academic-related queries here. Incoming Erasmus students are requested to make email contact with coordinators prior to arriving in Berlin, and check in with coordinator upon arrival).
Prof. Michael Hoenisch
+49 30 8385 4015 (Roswitha Seidel, secr.) (use this contact before you try the phone)
Fax: +49 30 8385 2641

University Erasmus Office (direct all administrative queries here, including course registration):
Erasmus Büro,
Brümmerstr. 52, 14195 Berlin
Incoming students:
Tel.: *49 30 838 57993

Semester or term dates:
First Semester: Mid-October to Mid-February
Second SemesterMid-April to Mid-July

Language requirements for incoming Erasmus students:
Either German B.1 or English B. 2.1

Language Instruction.
Students with some command of German can take a placement test and subsequent courses.

Erasmus students can take courses in all sections of the JFKI and, if permission is given, in other departments of the F.U.B.