
Università di Torino

Via Verdi 8
10123 Torino, Italy

Name and address of Department:
Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne
Via Verdi 10
10124 Torino, Italy

Erasmus student info page :
Please click here. All incoming students MUST read this BEFORE arriving in Torino.

Erasmus Coordinator for the ECAS American Studies Network (direct all academic-related queries here. Incoming Erasmus students are requested to make email contact with coordinators at least 2 months prior to arriving in Torino, and check in with coordinator upon arrival). 
Prof. Andrea Carosso
 tel. +39 011 670 2784

University Erasmus Office (direct all administrative queries here):
Sezione Mobilità Internazionale
Progetto Mobilità Internazionale
Via Po n. 31 III piano - 10124 Torino
tel: +39.011.6704425
fax: +39.011.6704435

Semester or term dates:
(To include Christmas holiday/Easter holidays/exam periods)
First Semester: Oct - January
Second Semester: February - June

Language requirement for incoming Erasmus students:
Italian: none. English: B2.

Does the institution provide any language instruction course prior to the start of semester?
Yes. Click here for info.